Postdoctoral Scholar- Jain Lab

1650 Owens Street
San Francisco, CA 94158
United States
Job Posted Date: 
January 17, 2023
Postdoc Positions
Life Sciences

Metabolomics/Mass-Spec Post-Doc Position in Jain Lab at Gladstone

The Jain Lab at the Gladstone Institutes ( is looking for motivated, hard-working and curious applicants. We are particularly interested in recruiting a post-doc with experience and interest in mass-spectroscopy based methods (e.g. metabolomics, lipidomics). The ideal candidate will have an interest in driving metabolomics-focused projects – both independently and in collaboration with other lab members. They will help establish state-of-the-art metabolomics (with full-time access to a Thermo Q-Exactive or equivalent). The candidate will be interacting closely with the Gladstone Mass Spectroscopy Center.

The Jain Lab recently discovered that hypoxic breathing can protect against mitochondrial disease ( We are now studying how varying oxygen tensions and varying micronutrient levels (e.g. vitamins/cofactors) affects cellular metabolism. The goal is to “turn the oxygen and vitamin dials” as a therapeutic strategy. We will be using a combination of systems biology approaches (CRISPR screens, proteomics, metabolomics, etc.) and animal physiology to tackle these questions. Post-docs will be encouraged to lead independent projects resulting in high impact publications, present at conferences and prepare for long-term careers in academia or industry.

Salary range (DOE):  $64,480 - $76,980

Additional Information:

  • Title and salary will be commensurate with education and experience.
  • Gladstone is an equal opportunity employer.
How to Apply: 

If you are interested in working on exciting problems related to oxygen/vitamins/aging, email Dr. Jain at [email protected] with a short description of your past research experiences and a resume/CV.

San Francisco
Greater Bay Area