We provide professional physical and occupational therapy services to children with chronic neuromuscular, muscular and orthopedic disabilities ages 0 to 21 who medically qualify for the CCS medical therapy program. We have clinics in Watsonville and Santa Cruz. In addition to providing direct therapy services, we consult with local vendors to provide durable medical equipment, splinting and orthotics. We are currently recruiting for a 30 hour/ week permanent physical therapist position.
ANNUAL LEAVE - 22 days first year, increasing to 37 days after 15 years of service. Available for vacation and/or sick leave.
HOLIDAYS - 13 paid holidays per year.
BEREAVEMENT LEAVE - 3 days paid in California, 5 days paid out-of-state.
MEDICAL PLAN - The County contracts with CalPERS for a variety of medical plans. For most plans, County contributions pay a majority of the premiums for employees and eligible dependents.
DENTAL PLAN - County pays for employee and eligible dependent coverage.
VISION PLAN - County pays for employee coverage. Employee may purchase eligible dependent coverage.
RETIREMENT - Pension formula 2% at age 60 or 2% at age 62 as determined based on provisions of the CA Public Employees’ Pension Reform Act of 2013(PEPRA). Pension benefit determined by final average compensation of three years. County participates in Social Security.
LIFE INSURANCE - County paid $20,000 term policy. Employee may purchase additional life insurance.
DISABILITY INSURANCE - Employees in the General Representation Unit participate in the State Disability Insurance (SDI) program. This program is funded 100% by employee payroll deductions.
DEPENDENT-CARE PLAN - Employees who make contributions for child or dependent care may elect to have their contributions made utilizing “pre-tax dollars.”
H-CARE PLAN - Employees who pay a County medical premium may elect this pre-tax program.
HEALTH CARE FLEXIBLE SPENDING ALLOWANCE (HCFSA) - Employees may elect this pre-tax program to cover qualifying health care expenses.
DEFERRED COMPENSATION - A deferred compensation plan is available to employees.
Any combination of training and experience that would provide the required knowledge and abilities is qualifying. A typical way to obtain the knowledge and abilities would be:
One year of experience performing physical therapy with physically disabled children and adolescents. Experience in a physical therapy internship program for developmentally disabled children may be substituted for the required experience on a month for month basis.
Special Requirements: Possession and maintenance of a valid license issued by the Physical Therapy Board of California to practice as a Physical Therapist in California. Possession and maintenance of a valid California Class C Driver License or the incumbent must provide suitable transportation approved by the appointing authority.
Knowledge: Working knowledge of objectives and methods of physical therapy; principles of physical therapy for treating children and adolescents, birth to age 21, with chronic neuromuscular, muscular and orthopedic disabilities; testing and evaluating developmental, muscular and neural functions; neuromuscular function and dysfunction; skeletal anatomy, kinesiology and basic pathology of people with physical disabilities; construction, use and care of orthopedic appliances and equipment; and psychological problems of children and adolescents and their effects on family members.
Ability to: Teach clients self-care and other suitable activities, such as mobility; understand and interpret physicians’ orders and adapt treatment programs to individual circumstances; communicate verbal and written ideas clearly and logically; prepare reports and maintain clinical case records; establish and maintain effective relationships with clients and others contacted in the course of work; and set up treatment care plans for physically disabled children and adolescents.
Apply online at www.santacruzcountyjobs.com or mail/bring an application and supplemental questionnaire to: Santa Cruz County Personnel Department, 701 Ocean Street, Room 510, Santa Cruz, CA 95060. For information, call (831) 454-2600. Hearing Impaired TDD/TTY: 711.
Women, minorities and people with disabilities are encouraged to apply. If you have a disability that requires test accommodation, please call (831) 454-2600.
To comply with the 1986 Immigration Reform and Control Act, Santa Cruz County verifies that all new employees are either U.S. citizens or persons authorized to work in the U.S.
Some positions may require fingerprinting and/or background investigation.