Dental office for sale buildout & equipment only, buildout can also be used for other professions!
Office was originally designed as a 1200 SF, 3 operatory dental office in Millbrae, CA. All operatories are fully plumbed and 2 are fully equipped with delivery units, cabinetry and sinks. Patient overhead monitors for both delivery units. Spaces were pre-planned and wired/plumbed accordingly for a panoramic xray or CBCT as well as an in office milling center. Entire office is wired for high speed internet. ADA bathroom, staff lounge, lab/sterilization, & private office also already furnished.
Willing to sell all equipment, chairs, computers, as well as transfer Dentrix PMS & Dexis imaging to purchasing dentist. Also willing to transfer intraoral scanner and Sprintray Dental 3D printer if purchaser is interested. This is a great turnkey opportunity for a general dentist or specialist to begin practicing immediately!
Office layout also lends itself to supporting other professions, such as chiropractors, physical therapists, and other medical specialties with minor modifications to treatment areas.
Office is a 5 minute walk from Caltrain & BART, and a 10 minute walk from Mills Peninsula Hospital. Office is 10 minute walk from 3 new condo apartment centers being built off 101 exit at Millbrae Ave. Potential for growth is there.
If interested, please leave a voice message/text at 650-307-5469 or email [email protected]